Angela Fehr's watercolor painting progress photos: Raspberries

Raspberry painting progress photo 1My husband is away until tomorrow night and so I've had my evenings free to paint (and work on his Valentine's Day gift). I am tentatively done the red raspberry - I will probably fiddle with it some more after the background is in a more finished state, and I can evaluate it better.
Raspberry painting progress photo 2It's funny, when I paint a large detailed area like this, the best way is to (after making sure you have a strong sketch) paint small areas at a time, and after slogging away with tunnel vision, I step back and am always amazed at how those bits and pieces come together to make a believable whole. On the berry, painting one reflection at a time is tedious, and the most satisfying part of my painting session is stepping back and drinking it in again.Angela Fehr painting raspberries in watercolorMy five-year-old daughter took these photos of me working on this painting. Slightly blurry, but I'm not as critical of my photographed self that way! We just moved the office area into the larger bonus room (it was in the north half of the loft) and I love my view. The window is eight feet wide and I can see Dawson Creek, the airport, the Pouce Coupe river between us, Bear Mountain to the southwest and the farmers' fields of Rolla to the north. My reference photo is on the computer, which is why I'm parked in front of the keyboard. While I wait for a glaze to dry, I take a turn on my Facebook Scrabulous!
Angela Fehr painting in her home studio

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