Don't Let Fear Hold You Back

Waterlily - watercolor by Angela Fehr

I'm packing up some of my paintings and taking them on an outing - I've gotten an exhibition opportunity at the Dawson Mall in Dawson Creek, my hometown.

I've blogged before about building your reputation as an artist using your local connections, and had an article published on the topic at Empty Easel, my favorite art business web site. In this current opportunity, it was simply a matter of making a phone call to ask about the vacant storefront in the mall and the sign on the glass that said "Mall Art" - with not a painting in sight. The mall representative was more than happy to grant me access to the space, for at least the next month.

So, moral is...ask! I've come away a little red-faced at times, when a barter suggestion was rejected, and I still get shaky and nervous when I make a pitch for my newest art marketing idea, but it's worth it. Even when my request is denied, I have made my name and my work known to one more person, and my poise and professionalism, despite rejection, will leave a lasting impression.

If you're in the Dawson Creek area, stop by the mall and enjoy the view. Even better, drop in to the mall office and tell the staff how you appreciate seeing art in a commercial space - help keep the program going! If you are a local artist with art to share, contact the Dawson Mall and set up a date for your own solo exhibition.

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