New Watercolor Painting: Delphinium Immersion

Painting titled Delphinium Immersion by Angela FehrDelphinium Immersion - 14" x 15" watercolor by Angela Fehr $400

This is why I love to paint! I was truly immersed as I layered washes of color on my paper, dripped in pigment and let it swirl and mingle on the page. Painting like this is so intuitive and satisfying - and so true to my style. Can you tell I'm really happy with this one?

I finished the piece by highlighting some edges and petals with iridescent medium by Winsor & Newton - it is mixable with watercolors and I expect that I will have to rinse my palette several times to get all the stray bits of shine off. I poured a little too much in the palette and my girls enjoyed using it up to create their own sparkly paintings.

ArtAngela Fehr7 Comments