In the Projects

I've been working lately on a bunch of things. Starting to wonder if maybe there should be a limit on how many projects one woman can take on? Truth is I thrive on it!

I've added artwork to my Etsy store here.

I've got a arty giveaway on my personal blog here.

And I'm giving in and getting organized. With all these projects, I need to know what to do when so I don't just end up playing Scrabble on Facebook during my free time! I've got Monday/Tuesday for clients, Tuesday & Friday for banking and home business organization, Wednesday for hobbies, and Thursdays for writing. Painting's not on there because I've slotted it in for a half hour minimum every weekday! Blogging, ditto. We'll see how it goes - the important thing about schedules is that they must work for you. If it doesn't, I'll tweak it until it does.

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