Make an Impression with Liquid Acrylics


After the fun I had creating this abstract watercolour, I just had to try it again using acrylic paint.(A)spir(al)ing, watercolour, 11x11" | Angela Fehr Using the same diagonal design, I started laying colours down using a limited palette of liquid acrylics. I used Pthalo Blue, Pyrrole Red, Raw Sienna, Green Gold, black & white. I am not really comfortable using black and white in paintings as it is so contrary to watercolour painting principles, but I love the way the white looks drybrushed over the vivid colours."Make an Impression" acrylic on canvas, 10"x10" | Angela Fehr

Liquid acrylics lend themselves well to some fluid watercolour styling, and you know I'll always take advantage of that! I've titled this acrylic abstract "Make an Impression" because you know that's what colour always does - it makes a wonderful impression. Viewing this online, I see one area that I'll be tweaking yet, but on the whole I'm pretty happy with my first "finished" acrylic painting.