An Exercise in Red


Red and turquoise are a favourite colour combination, and very trendy these days. I'm not sure where I'd find it in nature, but I had fun imagining it in a floral painting last week.Flauntable | watercolour, Angela Fehr

This will be catalogued under "unfinished" unless I go with my instinct and crop the painting down to my favourite of the three blossoms, the one at the top left.

Flauntable cropped | watercolour, Angela Fehr

I started training for the Fort St. John triathlon this month. It's a shorter length event, between sprint and Olympic length and while I'm only upping my exercise time a little, from 3-4 40 min sessions a week to a daily 40-60 minute, I'm feeling the effects on my time management. Amazing the difference an hour can make! The tri is in early June, so the demands on my time will be short-lived, and I'm sure it will get easier as I adjust to the new schedule. I've also signed up for a half-marathon in August, my first time competing in a long distance running event. I've come a long way since I started running 3 years ago and I'm proud to call myself an athlete now, enjoying so many different sports as a participant. Even if I am the oldest woman in my indoor soccer league!