Teaching Watercolour at Home

Life has been so busy lately that I've made very little time to paint. Time instead to enjoy the art I have recently framed and plan for some exhibitions this spring, summer and fall.

I've also filled my plate by taking on two weekly watercolour classes. On Thursday nights my studio is dedicated to four very focused women, learning watercolour step by step. I love a small class size for the informal, comfortable atmosphere and the opportunity it gives me to provide very focused individual attention.

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On Wednesday afternoons the same space hosts eight equally focused young ladies, between the ages of eight and thirteen. My two daughters are a part of this class, and since it's the class length is just an hour, mothers enjoy tea downstairs in the kitchen, while my six-year-old son shares his Lego with any brothers who might have come along. sam paint 600w

I consider myself very fortunate to have this large space in my home. The tables are always full of painting or crafting supplies, and being able to teach out of my home keeps my costs low so I can enjoy a smaller class size, and keep the cost of the classes at a fair price. And I always learn as much as my students, it seems, and their enthusiasm inspires me!