New Places & Spaces
Yesterday I walked by the Olde Creek Store in Dawson Creek, BC and snapped a photo of my paintings in the window. That store always has beautiful window displays, but for July & August, the window is mine as Tanya generously gives me room to show my paintings as a part of the local ArtWalk summer program. I have five pieces on display there this year; make sure to check them out if you are in town!
I've also got a new set up at home. I've moved my painting paraphernalia into my "new studio" above the garage. I use quotation marks because it's been three years since we built the garage, and my studio isn't in a habitable state yet. But for summer, it's a peaceful place to work, and full of light.
I've been filming some demonstrations that will be compiled into an online class series, if all goes well. I'm hoping you'll help me get the word out when the classes become available - the success of this first class series will determine whether this will become a regular thing. I've been very inspired by the wealth of northern wildflowers blooming right now, as you can see in the paintings in the studio photo above. Better views of those to come!