Winter Abstracts in Watercolor

Once upon a time, my goal for my paintings was to create a perfect painting, and perfect was defined as "looking just like the photo."

How the mighty have fallen! I found my true artistic self the the day I stopped trying to be perfect and started trying to have more fun, and my paintings reflect that spirit of adventure. I have found my heart and it's in loving watercolor even when my paintings don't look anything like a photo...actually, especially then!

That's why I'm excited to announce that my annual winter mini course is now available and the subject is one I thought I'd never teach; Abstracts in Watercolor!

Winter Abstracts in Watercolor is designed as a one-day workshop that will give you a head start in abstract painting. And abstract painting is something you should try!


When you paint in an abstract style you:

  • build stronger compositional skills

  • focus on color, shape and value

  • find creative freedom

  • strengthen your personal style

  • learn to trust your creative instincts

These are qualities that can make your representational paintings stronger and better, and the lessons in this course can be used to help you embrace abstract painting, or as warm ups to help you get in a creative headspace for your "serious" paintings.

So what are you waiting for? You can start learning abstract painting today!

Two ways to enroll today:

  1. Fearless Artist Members get access to Winter Abstracts in Watercolor and 28 other courses on a monthly or annual basis. Enroll in the Fearless Artist Membership here:
    ($30 USD/month or $300/year)

  2. Enroll in Winter Abstracts in Watercolor and own it forever here:​
    ($39 USD/$49 CAD)

More info about the course can be found here in the introductory video:

I hope you'll join me! Let's paint!

Angela FehrComment