If I was the artist I truly wanted to be, I would...

Imagine your permission slip to make the art you want to make and be the artist you want to be. What would it read?


Now imagine that the setbacks and obstacles that you're struggling with now are the exact conditions you need to become that artist.

Imagine writing your biography in ten years and starting with, "2020 was a turning point for..."

You know it can be. They call it growth mindset, abundance mentality. The idea that the things that present the greatest obstacles are the transformational pivot points that lead to our biggest breakthroughs. Every success story has a rock bottom before the sweet victory tasted by the one who was willing to use a setback as a starting point. This is true in art, too! When I gave up on trying to make perfect paintings, I found freedom and growth in unexpected places, and I learned to paint from the heart, not the head.

Today's video lesson is my favorite from this World Watercolor Month series. The flowers in the painting emerged so beautifully, because I was painting from a place of trust and intuition that doesn't happen without that permission slip reading, "You can paint beautiful things from your heart." Read the post and watch the video here.

More resources for World Watercolor Month below:

  • Shop the limited edition merchandise in the online souvenir shop (100% of proceeds to Dreaming Zebra)

  • Post your work on social media using the hashtag #worldwatercolormonth

  • Enter the giveaways at worldwatercolormonth.com (I'll be giving stuff away too on Instagram & Facebook)

Angela FehrComment