Last week’s workshop reminded me why teaching watercolor is my dream job. Not because I had the opportunity to travel and experience beautiful Madeline Island in Wisconsin, or because I love getting treated like an honored guest (although those things are certainly true). Not even because I am getting paid to do my two favorite things; paint and talk! What really makes this job so deeply rewarding is the same thing that makes a painting come to life; the power of connected presence
Read MoreI believe that no matter how much (or little) the time I have to paint, I paint best in a safe space where my creativity can thrive, and over the years I’ve developed habits that help me find a space of flow even when time is short.
Read MoreDear Angela,
I have gotten good at copying painting demonstrations on YouTube, but I want to do my own work. How do I find my own way? - a recent email question
Read MoreSometimes it seems like even though my mind wants to paint, my body hasn’t gotten the memo. Time passes and the dent in the sofa gets a little deeper, and the paper in the studio stays white and clean. Or I’ll make the effort to be present and available to paint, but none of my reference photos seem right, and all my ideas feel lackluster. I know I’m not alone; many artists have written me with the same lack of motivation. We’re feeling blocked.
Read MoreWhen I'm feeling that burgeoning sense of failure, I know my perspective has gotten skewed. I'm worried about my painting's outcome and my enjoyment of the painting process has been lost. Fear of failure causes me to disconnect, while love and freedom creates an emotional connection that can't be imitated and brings my art to life.
When I was first starting to make my name as an artist in my community, it was interesting how frequently I had to turn down possible art jobs. I was painting landscapes and florals in watercolor, but I received requests for mural paintings, portraits, graphic design, children’s book illustration…a smorgasbord of variety! But I knew my limitations…
Read MoreEvery year I publish a list of great gifts for that special artist. This year's guide is up!
Read MoreArt bundles like the Art Bundle for Good are a rare opportunity for you to get a great deal on a large selection of courses that will open up your world to new artists, new projects and new ways of approaching art. So, how do you approach all that goodness? Here are a few tips to help you break things down and target the next course you want to work on in your bundle.
Read MoreEarlier this summer I took a walk into the field across from my house and sat down in the grass to paint. I was thinking about the immersive experience of plein air painting, and how much I wanted to feel connected to my surroundings. The last couple of years have been hard. Painting needs to feel good for me right now!
Read MoreI love, love, love watercolour. It's unlike any other medium to me, and while I have created many things in many different outlets for creativity, watercolour is the one that satisfies me most. There is a beautiful magic to "collaborating" with fluid colour and water, responding to what is happening on the paper in a back and forth dance between maker and medium. Sometimes I don't know how a painting came to be; there's just a haze of emotion as I fell into the painting.
Read MoreThe watercolor supply that you will find yourself spending the most money on, and buying frequently, is your watercolor paper. In this article I want to share why paper is important, how to choose the right paper, and how to get the best value for your paper budget.
Read MoreWhat does an artist need? MORE PAPER! That's just a given! And yet, somehow, when we have a wealth of paper at our disposal, we hesitate to use it.
Read MoreA key to understanding your intrinsic personal style is found in noticing the aspects of painting that feel the most enjoyable to you; the moments when time slips away and you get lost in the process. Ever since I was a beginner to watercolor painting, I've loved the act of pulling beautiful shapes out of a wet-in-wet wash of color. There is something so peaceful about studying the shapes on the paper and defining them to suggest leaves, flowers, the contours of the natural world.
Read MoreAs artists, we have a superpower in desiring to look at the world in new ways. We don’t like limitations, and when someone tells us there’s one “right way” to do things, often our response is instinctively to rebel and try to find another way. So there’s a side of me that really challenges the notion that entering juried shows and seeking to earn memberships in prestigious art societies is the way to success as an artist.
Read MoreWhat’s holding you back from trying watercolor today?
Would an understanding of how watercolor works, what the basic techniques are and a few assignments to help you know where to start? Would a free workshop help?
Read MoreI'm committed to making 2021 a year focused on wholehearted living. The mindful intention that makes my art practice significant and authentic has huge application for my daily life.
Read MoreWhat can an artist achieve in a year? How do we measure this? Growth in skill, number of paintings created, milestones achieved? Or is the life of an artist not really about metrics at all?
Read MoreI found my true artistic self the the day I stopped trying to be perfect and started trying to have more fun, and my paintings reflect that spirit of adventure. I have found my heart and it's in loving watercolor even when my paintings don't look anything like a photo...actually, especially then!
That's why I'm excited to announce that my annual winter mini course is now available and the subject is one I thought I'd never teach; Abstracts in Watercolor!
Read MoreIf an artist wants to start painting in watercolor, they’re going to need supplies. But if you’re getting started painting in watercolor, choosing the right supplies can feel incredibly intimidating. There is so much to choose from, and so many different opinions on what the right supplies are!
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